Ronald Calcano

Ronald Calcano
P.O BOX 21615-00505

Hallo! Am Ronald Calcano, a young Kenyan citizen of 24 years, living in kibera slums of Nairobi Kenya. Being one of the largest slums in the world.

I am the last-born in an extended family of six children, having been born in a polygamy family. I am proud for having countless relatives.

I attended my first schooling at Kangemi Primary school and later joined High School in Western Province at Senende High School for quit a number of years. One day while at a barbershop, I saw an advertisement about International multimedia and having interest in the courses being offered, Immediately dialled my phone and called the numbers on the advert.

We made necessary arrangements with the people concerned and immediately began my classes. Having now attended my classes for some months and completed my first Semester, I have gained and achieved a lot. One of them which is knowing how film started and also being able to explain to someone how it all started.

The only weakness that I have and face while undertaking this course is reading the modules and understanding them by myself all alone.

I am looking forward to having learnt a lot after my course in the production field and media as a whole. Presently in my class, we are eight students. The students are friendly and Welcoming, thus creating a conducive environment that one admires to be in. Our teacher who is also the Chief trainer Mr.Mabwa Otinga is also a very free and friendly person but although looks very tough and dangerous when annoyed.

Generally the atmosphere of the school is very friendly and admiring to be a very creative and professional person. Majoring my professionalism in TV production and being one of the best Camera persons. As per my future hopes. I am really working hard and trying to know and master major areas and how I can handle different equipments, which to me I know this won’t take long.

That is me Ronald

Yours Faithfully